Brazilian marble is the new black
Aiming to promote the Brazilian marble, Zucchi has launched the campaign “Brazilian Marble is the new black”. The idea is a parody with the famous English expression “THE NEW BLACK” which is used to say that something is the new fashion, the new trend, the new hype! Something that is now popular and desired, is described as “THE NEW BLACK”.
Aiming to promote the Brazilian marble, Zucchi has launched the campaign “Brazilian Marble is the new black”. The idea is a parody with the famous English expression “THE NEW BLACK” which is used to say that something is the new fashion, the new trend, the new hype! Something that is now popular and desired, is described as “THE NEW BLACK”.
The expression “THE NEW BLACK” comes from the fashion design world. The black color is considered a color that never goes out of fashion. It is the color of all seasons and trends, perfect for all occasions and combinations. However, when there is a change and another color comes up a new trend, it is common to say “green is the new black”, “white is the new black”, “pink is the new black”.
The expression became even more famous after Netflix launched the series “Orange is the Black”. Anyone who followed the famous show knows that the protagonist Piper Chapman is a beautiful, wealthy, influential woman and frequenter of high social circles. But even so, she ends up being arrested and sentenced to five months in prison for transporting money to his girlfriend, an international drug dealer. In the USA, the prisoner’s uniform is orange; therefore, Piper ends up having to change the whole wonderful world of a socialite for an orange uniform. Then, a friend sends her a photo with the sentence ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK (orange clothe is the new trend). In other words, a way of saying that Piper will have to adapt to the world of inmates.

Why Brazilian Marble is the new black?
As the oldest natural stone in mankind, used since the birth of the first occidental civilizations, marble has always been recognized for its nobility and luxury. Considered a natural stone that never went out of style, marble is found in the most luxurious homes and environments around the world, nowadays.
However, Brazilian marble is becoming the new fashion among natural stones. A pleasant surprise in recent years, that unlike other marbles around the world, Brazilians have a more consistent hardness, especially in dolomitic marbles. This is a great differential of this type of Brazilian stone because only in Brazil marbles are resistant and hard beyond the average characteristic of this product.
This consistent hardness allows the application in environments and ambiances that were considered sensitive, such as kitchen countertops, for example. According to André Zucchi, our natural stone specialist, traditional marble has a very large porosity, due to its calcitic formation. This has always been a limiter for applying this stone to countertops and kitchen islands. “For new Brazilian marbles, which have a dolomitic formation, the humidity absorption is a lot lower and the hardness is much higher than a traditional marble, thus preventing scratches, leaks, and stains” – explains André.
However, he warns that the stone is still marble, the hardness of granites and quartzites not reaching. So, even the dolomitic marbles require special attention. “Do not try to leave your dolomitic marble sleep with wine and lemon spots from one day to the other. This classic stone still needs special attention and care to enchant and shine its beauty for life,” he explains.
Do you want to learn more about Zucchi Brazilian marbles? Click here and access our portfolio.